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- ******************************************************************************
- * AMSAT NA News Service Bulletins *
- * NEWS016 16Jan88 *
- * [ Copyright 1988 by AMSAT NA, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ] *
- * [ Permission is granted for unlimited redistribution by electronic or ] *
- * [ other means provided credit is given to AMSAT NA News Service (ANS). ] *
- * [ Edited for AMSAT NA by WA2LQQ. ] *
- * [ (N)=New story; (U)=Updated story; (R)=Reprieved story ] *
- * [ This edition was forwarded by the W0RPK-AMSAT Bulletin Board System ] *
- * [ operating on 515-961-3325 24-hours Ralph Wallio, W0RPK SYSOP ] *
- ******************************************************************************
- Headlines:
- 1.(N) 3C Launch Date Hovers At May 1st While Preps Swing Into High Gear
- 2.(N) Phase 3C Performance Data Reveals Vast Mode JL Improvement
- 3.(N) Phase 3C Launch Info Campaign Seeks Authors
- 4.(N) Software Glitch Precipitates Recall
- 5.(N) TAPR President Resigns Suddenly; Cites Personal Pressures
- 6.(N) Nordski Plans On Track With February Test Announced
- 7.(N) AMSAT Dues Increase Effective March 1
- 8.(N(0 Shuttle Engine Backup Design Retrieved To Salvage Launch Schedule
- ******************************************************************************
- 1.(N) 3C Launch Date Hovers At May 1st While Preps Swing Into High Gear
- News from Europe this week indicates the European Space Agency's V-22 launch
- has slipped slightly to late April or early May but the date should lock-up
- soon with the completion of the Ariane 4 third stage engine qualifications.
- AMSAT organizations around the world are accelerating many programs aimed at
- launch support, user support, pre-launch user information distribution and
- media coverage.
- Planning for the Phase 3C AMSAT Launch Information Network Service, ALINS,
- continues under the leadership of Ralph Wallio, W0RPK, AMSAT Operations Vice
- President. Regularly scheduled AMSAT nets and a series of special pre-launch
- bulletin broadcasts will provide last-minute information in the week just
- before launch. Post-launch information will be available during several
- nightly AMSAT nets and daily bulletin broadcasts. Realtime launch coverage,
- from the final thirty minutes of countdown through shutdown of the Ariane 4
- third stage, will be broadcast on various ham bands throughout the world.
- ARRL Headquarters station W1AW will join a team of AMSAT stations to provide
- unprecedented coverage of the launch. Additional details regarding
- frequencies and schedules of the various nets will be announced as soon as the
- schedules are firmed.
- Local repeater groups are encouraged to re-broadcast Phase 3C ALINS traffic.
- While the morning (Kourou time) launch of V-22 should provide good coverage on
- several HF bands, direct feeds from the ALINS teleconference bridge to
- repeater links will be available upon request and prior coordination only.
- Interested parties should contact W0RPK at 1250 Highway G24, Indianola, Iowa
- 50125. Please include an SASE. Deadline for coordination is April 15 but
- there are only a limited number of ports available and they will be assigned
- to repeaters on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The Phase 3C satellite has completed its program of testing in Marburg, West
- Germany and, after some last minute fine-tuning, will be prepared for shipment
- soon to Paris and then on to the airport at Cayenne, French Guiana. From
- there it will be trucked by special vehicle to the ESA launch site at Kourou.
- The V-21 launch which precedes V-22 had an estimated launch date of March 4
- when Arianespace briefed AMSAT recently.
- In related news, commitments for launch insurance have now been made and all
- AMSAT members are encouraged to share in this important activity. Substantial
- launch insurance donations have been made by AMSAT-UK, SA-AMSAT and BRAMSAT.
- Now it's your chance to help. If you haven't already done so, send in a
- modest contribution to the Phase 3C launch insurance campaign. It's needed now
- to avoid having to cut back on other services to fund the launch insurance.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 2.(N) Phase 3C Performance Data Reveals Vast Mode JL Improvement
- With the completion of testing of the Phase 3C spacecraft in Marburg, West
- Germany recently, some early performance measurements are being released which
- suggest major link performance improvements. According to AMSAT DL President
- Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, the Mode L link in particular will be especially
- attractive since uplink power requirements are reduced significantly from
- AO-10.
- Mode JL on Phase 3C combines uplinks on 24 cm and 2 meters to yield a downlink
- at 70 cm. The Mode L uplink is the 24 cm to 70 cm portion of the Mode JL
- transponder. Other Modes employed by Phase 3C are Mode B, RUDAK and Mode S.
- Prior to launch, AO-10 Mode L uplink power requirements were placed in
- approximately the 1 to 2 kW Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) range or
- 30 to 33 dBW EIRP. However, the failure of a bias regulator in the Mode L
- power amplifier caused it to operate well off of its optimum design bias
- point. Consequently, uplink power requirements increased by about 10 dB
- meaning that uplinks in the order of 10 to 20 kW EIRP were required for
- success. The increased uplink requirement strongly constrained the expected
- Mode L use and it never reached the popularity expected of it.
- Now, however, preliminary data from AMSAT DL suggests the Phase 3C Mode L
- uplink power requirements could be as much as 5 dB better than the best that
- was hoped for from AO-10. In practice that would mean a minimum uplink power
- in vicinity of 350 watts EIRP (25 dBW).
- According to DJ4ZC, a 25 dBW EIRP uplink should result in a 10 dB average
- signal-to-noise ratio under ideal conditions. With this improved uplink
- requirement, Phase 3C Mode L could experience even sharper growth than
- that expected for AO-10. As little as 10 watts from an exciter to a single
- loop yagi should be sufficient if the estimates are correct. This assumes a
- moderately long loop yagi yielding 18 dBi gain which is easily attainable.
- Thus, if Mode JL lives up to its pre-launch estimates, it could set off a
- tidal wave of interest in low power including portable Mode JL satellite
- operation.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 3.(N) Phase 3C Launch Info Campaign Seeks Authors
- A campaign to inform the general Amateur Radio community about Phase 3C and
- how to use it after launch has been announced by AMSAT. Articles will be
- submitted to all the major domestic ham radio magazines in an effort to
- provide as much usable information on Phase 3C as possible at a time when the
- general awareness of Phase 3C will peak in mid-spring. Regular press releases
- to the Amateur Radio media will assure a high profile for this important
- event.
- Prospective authors are sought for the project which kicks-off immediately.
- With the target magazines requiring articles by mid-to-late February, authors
- are needed immediately.
- In order to make all known Phase 3C information available in a usable packet,
- AMSAT is compiling a Phase 3C press kit. This kit will contain technical
- specifications on the Phase 3C satellite, recommended typical ground station
- requirements and a stock of photographs and tables suitable for submission to
- the magazine with your article. Unfortunately, these press kits are in
- extremely short supply and thus can be made available ONLY to those who
- promise in advance to write an article on an agreed topic and schedule.
- General Phase 3C information brochures will be made generally available to
- AMSAT members in the near future, however.
- Topics suitable for articles include Phase 3C operating practices, bandplans,
- schedules, ground stations, orbital topics, spacecraft hardware and so forth.
- Between 1 and 2 dozen authors are needed to quickly produce a like number of
- articles. Due to the limited time available, prospective authors are asked to
- call AMSAT HQ immediately to register. Volunteers will be contacted within 24
- hours and arrangements will be made for topic selection and magazine
- placement.
- This project definitely has a short fuse. Authors should come forth
- immediately by calling AMSAT HQ Monday through Friday at 301-589-6062 and
- simply leave your name, callsign and telephone number where you can be
- reached. Here's your chance to help let every Amateur know what enjoyment
- lies ahead with the exciting new Phase 3C super bird. Act today!
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 4.(N) Software Glitch Precipitates Recall
- A minor glitch has shown up in versions of AMSAT's QUIKTRAK and SUPERTRAK
- programs for the IBM-PC and the Commodore 64 computers. The problem involves
- processing the day of the year in 1988 and other Leap Years. The W0SL, VR-85
- and other AMSAT programs are believed to be unaffected by the glitch.
- The problem first manifests when entering Keplerian data for 1988. When
- entering the reference epoch in the Julian day form, that is for example,
- 16.12345678, the program incorrectly converts this to January 17 rather than
- January 16 as expected. To avoid this problem, manually convert the Keplerian
- element reference epoch into the form:
- DD/MMM/YY hh/mm/ss
- For example: 19Dec87 051033
- Then enter the reference epoch in this form. Alternatively, you may opt to
- continue to use 1987 Keplerian elements until the fix is installed. As a
- further alternative, you could use 1988 elements and then go back through the
- element editor to subtract one day to compensate for the glitch.
- To obtain a replacement diskette for your defective SUPERTRAK or QUIKTRAK
- program, return the diskette in a standard diskette mailer to AMSAT HQ and a
- replacement will be promptly returned to you. Return mailing labels will
- speed the response even more. Mail to AMSAT, 850 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring,
- MD, 20910.
- In summary, the glitch affects ONLY the SUPERTRAK and QUIKTRAK programs.
- AMSAT apologizes for any inconvenience and appreciates your support as always.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 5.(N) TAPR President Resigns Suddenly; Cites Personal Pressures
- In a surprise announcement, Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD, has resigned as President of
- TAPR, the Tucson Area Packet Radio group. He cited intense professional and
- family pressures in announcing his resignation last week. The resignation was
- totally unanticipated even by those working with him on a day-to-day basis.
- Johnson has been recognized for his creative talents since TAPR's founding.
- Indeed, he has been one of the most widely recognized and respected talents in
- all of Amateur Radio and his reputation is legend around the world. He had
- been instrumental in the development of packet radio and has been widely
- honored as making some of the major technical contributions to the hobby in
- this decade.
- Recently he was leading a joint TAPR-AMSAT design team working on a
- state-of-the-art computer for AMSAT's PACSAT project. According to AMSAT
- Engineering VP Jan King, Lyle's sudden departure leaves a gaping hole in this
- critical program that will not easily be filled. Johnson continues as TAPR
- President in caretaker status until the TAPR Board selects his replacement.
- AMSAT profoundly regrets the circumstances which have led to Lyle's sudden
- departure from the forefront of Amateur Radio technology but understands and
- empathizes with his reasoning and wishes him well.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 6.(N) Nordski Plans On Track With February Test Announced
- Preparations for the Skitrek and Nordski Projects continue apace with John
- Henry, VE2VQ, meeting with Canadian External Affairs Ministry officials
- January 14. He says progress is good towards getting the Canadian SARSAT
- program interfaced to the Nordski Project. Initial trials of the system are
- now contemplated for early February with follow-up tests as required.
- Meanwhile, Martin Sweeting, G3YJO, says preparations are complete and the team
- at Surrey, England stands in readiness for the first tests. Nordski will
- provide navigation information to the North Pole Skitrekkers using an
- unprecedented hybrid link from the SARSAT/COSPAS satellites to Surrey's UoSAT
- OSCAR 11. UO-11's Digitalker will announce the trekker's position using its
- voice synthesizer on the 145.825 MHz FM downlink. The actual 90 day mission
- begins about March 1.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 7.(N) AMSAT Dues Increase Effective March 1
- AMSAT Headquarters has announced that a member dues increase will go into
- effect March 1. Effective March 1st, the new rates are:
- U.S. Domestic members: $29
- Canada and Mexico: $36
- Other foreign: $42
- Beginning March 1, all overseas members will receive ASR directly from AMSAT
- via Air Mail. Previously, re-mailers had helped in distribution by remailing
- from their locale. However, the additional delays incurred and complaints
- from members has resulted in the change in overseas mailing method and rates.
- Members should renew early to beat the dues increase. You may renew for
- several years in advance.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 8.(N) Shuttle Engine Backup Design Retrieved To Salvage Launch Schedule
- Confirming a tentative decision made a week ago, NASA has finalized plans to
- use a back-up design for a space shuttle rocket booster part that failed last
- month during a full scale test burn. According to Rear Admiral Richard Truly,
- NASA Associate Administrator for Space Flight, "If the alternative part passes
- rigorous testing and our other schedules are met, July 15th is the earliest we
- could fly."
- After the last full scale test firing of the re-designed solid fuel rocket
- motor, officials noted that a carbon boot ring, designed to protect a nozzle
- swiveling joint, has shattered. The performance of the rocket had not been
- affected since the failure occurred during nozzle movement after the firing
- was completed. The failed boot ring, thought to have been a final
- configuration, will be replaced by the back-up design, tested successfully
- last August.
- One noteworthy difference between the August and December tests was the amount
- of swivel the nozzles were subjected to. The nozzles are swiveled in flight
- to vector thrust and steer the shuttle. In the August test, about two degrees
- of swivel was used. In the December test, however, a full seven degrees of
- swivel was used. The December test involved exercising the swivel mechanism
- to the extreme limit to which the nozzle would be swiveled; a situation that
- would occur only during an in-flight emergency. NASA will subject the back-up
- design to the higher swivel angle test.
- NASA Administrator James Fletcher sought to defuse speculation election year
- politics will affect the shuttle launch schedule. He announced his firm
- commitment to fully testing and verifying all aspects of the shuttle and to
- not resume launches until all safety concerns were satisfied. The decision to
- commence launchings will be made outside of the political arena he said
- flatly.
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- =====================
- Headlines:
- 9.(R) Field Operations Begins Convention Support Planning For 1988
- 10.(U) AO-10 Ops Schedule
- 11.(U) FO-12 Ops Schedule
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- 9.(R) Field Operations Begins Convention Support Planning For 1988
- AMSAT Field Operations VP Doug Loughmiller, KO5I, points out that with the new
- year, the convention planning cycle begins anew. In a typical calendar year
- AMSAT supports 3 dozen large conventions and hamfests as well as numerous flea
- markets and other special events. New coordination and planning procedures
- will be in effect this year KO5I says.
- First, at least 30 days lead time will be required for adequate support of
- major conventions. This is necessary to package and economically ship
- materials and supplies needed in AMSAT convention booths. If you expect AMSAT
- Headquarters support for your convention, be sure to give Doug, KO5I, or your
- Regional Coordinator, at least 30 days advance notice.
- Second, Field Operations is establishing an AMSAT Speakers' Bureau to respond
- to and coordinate requests for AMSAT speakers and representatives at
- conventions and meetings. If you have received an invitation to speak or a
- solicitation to provide a speaker, whether you intend to respond personally
- yourself or not, please alert KO5I so he can insure the event is properly
- slated in AMSAT's master event schedule.
- Please report all speaking invitations to: AMSAT Speakers' Bureau, c/o Doug
- Loughmiller, KO5I, 620 Fairway Dr., Paris, Texas, 75460. Similarly, if you
- are an event sponsor and desire an AMSAT speaker for the event, contact KO5I
- to coordinate your event.
- All AMSAT Regional and Area Coordinators are urged to help make the 1988
- convention year, focusing on the successful launch of Phase 3C, the best in
- AMSAT history.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 10.(U) AO-10 Ops Schedule
- Here is the AO-10 operating schedule for the next period. According to AO-10
- command station ZL1AOX, the sun angle will diminish to unusable levels two
- weeks sooner than expected. Consequently, the schedule has been revised to
- curtail AO-10 use after February 14.
- AMSAT OSCAR 10 Transponder Operating Schedule
- =============================================
- Revised 16Jan88
- +---------------------+--------------------------------+
- | Time Frame | Mode B Operating Times in MA |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------+
- | Jan 04 thru Jan 17 | 0 thru 159 and 221 thru 255 |
- | Jan 18 thru Jan 31 | 0 thru 169 and 231 thru 255 |
- | Feb 01 thru Feb 14 | 0 thru 179 and 241 thru 255 |
- +---------------------+--------------------------------+
- As always, please insure you use the lowest uplink power levels so as to
- insure satellite health as well as good communications.
- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- 11.(U) FO-12 Ops Schedule
- Here is the operating schedule for FO-12 for the next several days:
- Operating schedule for FO-12
- Mode From (UTC) To (UTC)
- --------------------------------
- JD Jan19 12:55 Jan 20 12:01
- JD 21 13:08 22 12:14
- JD 23 11:21 24 12:28
- JA 26 12:41 27 11:47
- JA 28 10:53 29 12:01
- JA 30 11:07 Feb 1 09:19
- The transponders will be off at other time. The schedule may be changed at
- any time due to unexpected power situations.
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